what is on page seo in digital marketing

What Is On Page SEO in Digital Marketing? Your Ultimate Guide

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Reading Time: 19 minutes

Different On-page SEO factors can contribute to a growth of around 20 to 90% in your organic marketing efforts, which is why understanding the important on-page SEO signals is important. If you want your website to rank, and bring in business, a good understanding of on-page SEO will be necessary. 

This comprehensive guide will go over all such crucial on-page SEO factors and guide you on how to use them to make your content rank better and faster. 

Why is On-Page SEO Important?

To put it simply, On-page SEO is your site’s ability to attract readers. The more optimized your page is, the better your chances of ranking at the top in SERPs and bringing in organic traffic. Search engines have clear guidelines on the ranking factors they use to compute the search engines’ rankings, and most, if not all, of these factors fall under the pretext of On-page SEO. 

A good way to think of On-page SEO would be to perceive it as performance clusters. There are subgroups of important areas under On-page SEO that need individual attention to be optimized to their full potential. These clusters are what this guide will dive deeper into and help you master. The first and foremost is quality. If your page is not high-quality, Google will definitely not rank it. 

This is why On-Page SEO is crucial. On-Page SEO factors determine the quality of the webpage and the content on it, signalling positively or negatively to the ranking algorithms. Optimizing these factors to be of high quality is known as On-Page SEO.

So let’s get started! 

On-Page vs Off-Page vs Technical SEO

on page vs off page vs technical seo
Created by: Mohit’s SEO Training

Search Engine Optimization is a comprehensive activity that covers a different range of activities. 3 dominant wings in SEO need to be taken care of in the hopes of ranking. These are On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical SEO. 

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO aims to optimize and improve individual web pages to rank higher and get more traffic in search engines. This process involves optimizing both the content for users and the HTML source code for the crawlers and search engines. Key areas of focus in on-page optimization include title tags, meta descriptions, header tags (H1, H2, etc.), images, content freshness, and content quality.

On-page SEO also revolves heavily around keyword optimization, ensuring that target keywords are strategically used within the content, URLs, and image alt texts (image descriptions) to capture users’ search query interests.

Additionally, it involves improving user experience through factors such as page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and internal linking structure. Effective on-page SEO helps search engines understand a page’s content and context, being able to rank it better in the SERPs. On-page SEO aims to make any webpage into its best possible version. 

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO refers to actions taken outside of a website to impact its rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). This primarily involves building the site’s reputation and authority through backlinks from other reputable websites. Quality, relevance, and quantity of backlinks are crucial factors. 

Off-page SEO also encompasses social media marketing, influencer outreach, guest blogging, and brand mentions. These strategies aim to increase the site’s perceived expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) in its industry. A strong EEAT is Google’s signal for ranking websites better. Off-Page SEO deals with increasing the visibility of a website outside of its own traffic. This visibility is interpreted by Google as credibility and trust. 

Technical SEO

Technical SEO focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website to increase its visibility in search engine results and the experience for human users. This involves optimizing the website’s structure to help search engines crawl and index the site more effectively, making navigation easier, reducing crawl depth, etc. Key areas include improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, implementing a secure HTTPS protocol, and creating an XML sitemap and submitting it to Google via Search Console.

Technical SEO also addresses issues like duplicate content, broken links, and URL structure. It involves optimizing robots.txt (instructions to Google for crawling or excluding certain pages), implementing structured data markup, and ensuring proper canonical tags. Additionally, technical SEO covers improving site architecture and security, managing crawl budgets, and optimizing for core web vitals. These technical optimizations enhance both search engine crawling efficiency and user experience, contributing to better search rankings.

Types of On-Page SEO

There are various types of optimizations covered under on-page SEO. The main types of these optimizations are:

  • Content Optimization: The first and foremost on-page optimisation area is content. It involves creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that addresses the user’s search intent. Try to keep your content full of relevant information, and engaging. Engagement can also be provided through the use of images, charts, graphs, scroll bars, and other infographics.
  • Keyword Optimization: Keyword optimization is the most important for ranking purposes. Search engines use keywords to match your content with the user queries, making your content appear in the right target results. Correct usage of primary and secondary keywords, along with long-tail and short-tail keywords ensures that your content is correctly picked up by the ranking algorithms. 
  • Link Optimization: Internally linking to your resources helps the search engines crawl your website. Linking to external websites builds credibility and EEAT( Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust). Working on these factors is known as link optimization. A well-rounded content strategy involves regularly updating links with proper and descriptive anchor texts.
  • Speed Optimization: This involves the optimization done to improve page speed, and mobile responsiveness, and reduce server load. It involves browser caching, image optimization to reduce render size, etc. No matter how high-quality your content is, if the website loads slowly, then the user is going to leave and opt for a faster website. 
  • Tags Optimization: Meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, are crucial for informing search engines about the content of a page. Properly optimized meta tags improve click-through rates by providing concise, keyword-rich summaries that encourage users to visit your site. Ensure using primary and secondary keywords in the meta description in a way that conveys the intent of your webpage. 
  • Images Optimization: Optimizing images refers to making them visually appealing, consistent, and engaging. Also, optimizing the image formats to faster loading and lightweight formats such as WEBP also helps in improving page speed. 

On-Page SEO Factors (Activity List for On-Page Optimization)

There are a lot of on-page factors that serve as signals to Google regarding ranking a page positively or negatively. The most important factors that comprehensively cover On-Page SEO are given below, along with tips on how to improve them to rank better. 

Keyword Research

how to find LSI keywords

Keywords are the special words or phrases that best describe the content of your page and most closely match the search queries entered by the user. For example, if a user is searching “What is Jupiter?” then ‘Jupiter’ will be the primary keyword that search engines will look for in a piece of content. 

What keywords you have to write about depends on the industry that you operate in. Thoroughly research keywords for your industry and create content pieces around them to drive targeted traffic (people interested in that keyword) to your website.

Tips for Optimally Utilizing Keywords

  • Do not overuse any keywords in your content. Overuse of keywords is a negative signal to search engines and may lead to your content performing poorly. Overusing keywords is called keyword stuffing. A good primary keyword percentage is up to 2-3%.
  • Utilize both long-tail and short-tail keywords. Short-tail keywords are 1 to 3 words long and are generic with a large volume of searches performed for them each month. Examples of short-tail keywords involve ‘phones’, ‘pizza’, ‘sales’, etc. On the other hand, long-tail keywords are keywords that have a low search volume but are more targeted and focused. These are where your specialization comes into play. Examples include ‘best leather jackets for men’, ‘famous restaurants in Chicago’, etc. As you can see, Long-tail keywords are more focused and have a higher chance of converting customers. 
  • Thoroughly research keyword intent and volume and prepare a content strategy. Keyword intent refers to the motivation behind a person searching for a keyword. Keywords can have informational intent (users looking for information), commercial intent (users looking to make purchase decisions), etc. Frame your content strategy to include both informational and commercial keywords. Utilize long-tail keywords with low search volumes to avoid competition on generic keywords. Remember, the more common the keyword, the higher the competition to rank for it. 

How to Find Relevant Keywords?

There are many ways of finding keywords for your niche, but the main and reliable ways of doing so are:

  • Use SEO Tools: SEO tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, etc. have keyword research features that let you see the volume, intent, and niche of a keyword. You can use these tools to see the high-performing keywords in your industry and form your content strategy accordingly. 
  • Organic Research: Another way of figuring out which keywords you should target is to research the popular topics in your niche. What people talk about on public forums, events, etc. can be good signals to know about keywords for your industry. 
  • Analyze Your Competition: A more direct way of performing organic research is to analyze your competitors in the industry and see what topics and keywords they are writing about. This gives you a list of topics that are directly relevant to your audience.

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Once you have figured out the keywords you want to target and have created high-quality content around it, the most important action still to be done is to decide the title tag and the meta description. 

A title tag is the ‘heading’ or ‘title’ of the content that appears as a clickable link on the Search Engine Result Pages. Right below it is a short description of the content that compels the user to go to your website rather than the other search results. A lack of optimization on these fronts can lead your content to be ignored by the users even if it ranks well.

The Clickthrough rate (CTR) is the amount of people who click on your website’s result as a ratio of the people who saw the link. For example, if a total of 50 people saw your website’s link to a blog on SERPs, and only 10 of them clicked, then the CTR is 20% (10/50 * 100).

To have a good CTR, the most important factors are title tags and meta descriptions.

Best Practices for Title Tags and Meta Descriptions 

  • The title tag should be kept between 50 to 60 characters and should include the primary keyword. 
  • The meta description should be around 150 to 160 characters at most, and should also have the primary and secondary keywords (if possible). 
  • The meta description should use action-oriented language and a compelling argument to lead users to click on your website. 

URL Structure

URL structure refers to the appearance and layout of the URL of your webpage. An example of a URL would be https://www.example.com/seo-tips/on-page-seo-guide

This URL tells us that on example.com, we are looking at the SEO tips section. In that section, the page we are looking at is the On-page SEO guide. 

Thus, URL structures give a structure to your website and organise its different sections. Proper organization and site structure help search engines explore and discover your content faster and more easily, leading to faster and better rankings. 

Optimizing URLs for SEO

  • Keep the URLs short and crisp, and use the primary keyword in the URL. 
  • Use hyphens to separate the words in the URLs, and avoid using special characters or descriptions. The shorter it is, the more sharable and better it looks (to users as well as search engines). 
  • Keep URLs consistent throughout your website. URL structures play a very important role in technical SEO as well, making them even more important. 

Headings (H1, H2, H3)

The usage of headings (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.) is extremely important as headings break up the content into digestible chunks and make parsing the content easier for both users and search engines. 

Search engines crawl through the headings first to make sense of the contents of an article, making it essential to use headings in your content (especially H1, and H2). Clear, descriptive headings guide readers through the content, improving navigation and retention.

Tips for Optimizing Headings

  • Ask questions in the heading that may be asked by users searching for a particular keyword. This makes the search engines think you are providing the right answers with the right context.
  • Use the primary and secondary keywords in the headings. Headings are clear signals to search engine bots about the context of a blog, making the usage of keywords in it necessary.
  • Do not use headings unnecessarily or for very small sections of text. Instead, use them to break up bodies of information and create a flow in your content guided by headings. The easier your content is to read and the more information you provide easily, the better results you’re going to get in terms of organic performance. 

Content Optimization

Only using keywords and headings in your content does not mean that it is optimized. Various other factors need to be taken care of. Content optimization is the most pressing aspect of on-page optimization since your content is the main thing representing your website to users and search engines.

Tips for Optimizing Content

  • Write high-quality blogs and include detailed information. Analyze your competitors who have written content around the same keywords and try to include better and more up-to-date information.
  • Ensure that your content is directly aligned with the search queries and is highly relevant to the users. Create user-first content instead of Google-first content. 
  • Use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). LSI keywords are conceptually related terms that provide context and depth to your content. They help search engines understand the topic comprehensively, improve relevance and capture more traffic from related searches. Examples of LSI keywords of ‘running shoes’ include ‘sports shoes’, ‘shoes for athletes’, ‘runner shoes’, etc. 
  • While keeping the above factors in mind, try to make longer content. Longer content can cover information more comprehensively while including more keywords and LSI keywords naturally.

Images and Their Role

Images play a very important role in on-page optimization. According to a study by Jeff Bullas, a well-known digital marketing expert, Articles with images receive 94% more total views than articles without images. With this big of a difference, the usage of images is highly recommended. For search engines, the existence of images and their alt text (image descriptions) serves as a positive signal for ranking purposes.

Tips for Optimizing Images

  • Keep the images short in size and use formats such as WEBP which take less time to load. This reduces the load on your servers and enhances page speed.
  • Create original infographics full of statistics and relevant information that appeals to be shared. This improves your social standing across platforms.
  • Use alt texts on each image that describe the image aptly. Google scans the alt texts of the images to understand their context, hence, descriptive alt texts are important.
  • Use consistent visual styles in your images and make them engaging. You can also add CTA’s to your images to convert traffic into leads.

Internal and External Linking

Linking to your other resources or content pieces in a content piece is referred to as internal linking. Similarly, linking to other websites and their content is referred to as external linking. 

Internally linking other resources in blogs is important for many reasons, the main ones being SEO value, an enhanced user experience, and a better-optimized site structure. Similarly, external linking establishes the credibility of your content in the user’s mind, as well as helps in building relationships with external parties.

Tips to Optimize Linking

  • Link to reputable and relevant sources to enhance the quality of your content. Using high-authority sources for the information you are providing builds credibility.
  • Use descriptive and relevant anchor text. This enhances user experience and lets them know centres of additional and related knowledge on your website.
  • Open external links in a new tab to keep users on your site.
  • Avoid overloading posts with too many links; focus on quality and relevance. Usually, 3-4 internal links on a 3000-word blog post are enough, and the same for external links as well.

Readability and User Experience (UX)

Readability is a crucial factor in user experience and search engine crawlability. If the user can clearly understand the information you have provided in your post, only then is your purpose of creating the post fulfilled. Other UX (User Experience) factors also play a role in boosting your visibility and the organic performance of your content.

Tips for Improving Readability and User Experience

  • Avoid using complex language and punctuation. Keep it simple and easy to read. 
  • Use bullets, numberings, and different headings (H3, H4, H5, etc.) to structure your content for better readability to users and crawlability by search engines.  
  • Use short paragraphs and use different visual elements to guide the reader. Navigation bars are really helpful in this regard. Also, ensure that everything on your webpage loads fast and accurate.
  • Use engaging images and visual elements to give the readers an engaging experience. Use clever and clear CTAs to guide users to click the links you want them to click. 

Mobile Optimization

According to Google, more than 70% of the online traffic is through mobile phones and tablets. This makes it essential to make your web pages optimized for mobile viewing. Mobile optimization does not only mean that your content is correctly visible on mobile screens, but that it can give mobile viewers a fulfilling experience.

Tips for Mobile Optimization

  • Single Column Design: Prefer to keep all your web pages designed to be consumed in a single column, with multiple clickable elements to encourage interactions. Multiple columns clutter the screen on mobile, leading the visitors away. A single column of text, broken by images, CTA’s, etc. is the best format for content. 
  • Implement a Mobile-First Design Strategy: Design pages for mobile first, and then make them upscale to fit larger screens. Keep the buttons and CTA large enough to be clicked by fingers in mobile view. Use a hamburger menu and large text for easy navigation. Ensure that elements don’t break or stretch in the scale-up or scale-down process. 
  • Using AMP: AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages facilitates designing fast-loading mobile-friendly web pages. AMP is an open-source framework designed to optimize mobile viewership. It is very easy to move to AMP pages, and replacing HTML tags with AMP tags shouldn’t be an issue for any website owner. Although it is an aspect of technical SEO, AMP can greatly improve the on-page experience for users. 

Content Freshness

Regularly updating old content with newer information and internal links to newer resources builds credibility, and authority, and makes the search engine crawlers visit your content again and again, leading to more opportunities for better ranklings. According to a study by HubSpot, websites that publish new content regularly see a 55% increase in website traffic compared to those that don’t update their content often.

Tips for Maintaining Content Freshness

  • To keep your content fresh, start by creating a content calendar to plan and schedule updates. This will help you maintain a consistent flow and ensure that you’re regularly revisiting and refreshing your content.
  • Conduct periodic audits of your existing content to identify outdated or underperforming pieces. By reviewing your content regularly, you can pinpoint areas that need updating or repurposing to keep them relevant and engaging.
  • Set up alerts for industry news and trends using tools like Google Alerts. This will keep you informed about the latest developments and provide opportunities to update your content with relevant and timely information.

How to Check for On-Page SEO

The two main methods are to check whether all the above-listed on-page SEO factors have been optimized or not. These are manual on-page SEO checks, and the usage of SEO Tools. 

Manual On-Page SEO Check

Steps to check for On-Page SEO manually are: 

  • Visually Inspect Title-Tags and Meta Description: Ensure that the title tags contain the primary keywords and the meta descriptions contain the primary and secondary keywords. Check whether they are within the character limits (50-60 for title tags and 160 for meta descriptions). Ensure that these are crisp and answer a direct user query. 
  • Check for Page Speed and Mobile Optimization: Try to open your webpage on multiple devices and internet connections. This will help you see whether your page loads fast and is optimized for mobile screens or not. If the text/images chop and structure breaks on mobile screens, more mobile optimization needs to be done. 
  • Check Content Quality and Intent: Get your peers to read the content and comprehensively think of what the user is searching for and what information they need. Check whether your content provides that information swiftly and easily. Ensure that your landing pages are optimized for commercial intent, i.e., they have strong calls to action for influencing purchase decisions. Similarly, ensure that your blogs have informative content backed by data. 
  • Check Internal and External Linking: Always link out to your new blogs via your previous blogs and webpages. Check whether each blog has at least 5-6 links (an equal mix of internal and external links is fine).
  • Check Image Quality and Descriptions: See to it that the images used in your content are not only for show and that they enhance user experience. Use descriptions of each image as alt text to help search engines understand the meaning of the image. 
  • User Experience Improvement: Check whether you’re able to navigate the site easily and find the data you’re looking for as if you were a normal reader. 

How to Check For On-Page SEO Using Tools

how to check on page seo

There are a lot of software available for Search Engine Optimization. Different software and tools can be utilized to improve the various on-page ranking factors listed above. A brief on using a few such tools to improve on-page SEO is given below.

1. Google Search Console

  • Sign in to Google Search Console and add your website to it.
  • Go to the ‘Performance Report’ to see how your pages are performing in search results, including clicks, impressions, average position, and CTR (Clickthrough Rate).
  • Check the URL Inspection Tool to see if a specific webpage on your website is indexed correctly and identify any errors or issues.
  • Navigate to the ‘Coverage’ and ‘Mobile Usability’ sections to find indexing errors, mobile-friendliness issues, and other technical SEO factors.

2. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

  • Download and install Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
  • Enter your website URL and click “Start” to crawl your site.
  • Review key elements such as Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, Header Tags, URL Structure, and Images with missing alt text under the respective tabs.
  • Use the ‘Response Codes’ tab to identify broken links, redirects, and other errors that affect SEO, and fix them one by one.
  • Screaming Frog also allows you to generate reports to identify areas needing improvement, so if you’re working with a team, you can give comprehensive instructions to them using the report.

3. SEMrush On-Page SEO Checker

  • Log in to your SEMrush account (Purchase SEMrush if you haven’t) and navigate to the On-Page SEO Checker.
  • Enter the URL of the page you want to analyze along with target keywords.
  • SEMrush will provide suggestions for optimization, including keyword usage, content improvements, technical issues, and SERP features (important).
  • Use the Site Audit Tool in SEMrush for a broader analysis of on-page SEO elements across your entire site, including meta tags, internal links, and page speed.

4. Ahrefs Site Audit

  • Log in to Ahrefs (after purchasing) and select Site Audit from the dashboard.
  • Add your website URL and start the audit process.
  • Ahrefs will crawl your website and present a detailed report, highlighting on-page issues like missing or duplicate meta tags, broken links, low word count, and slow-loading pages.
  • Use the Content Explorer feature to analyze keyword optimization and content quality, identifying areas where keyword use can be improved.

5. Yoast SEO (Only for WordPress users)

  • Install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin on your WordPress site.
  • While editing or creating a post or page, Yoast provides an SEO analysis box where it evaluates content readability, keyword density, meta tags, and internal linking. Green lights mean the elements are optimized. 
  • Yoast will provide actionable tips, such as adding more internal links, improving keyword placement, and adjusting meta descriptions for optimal length.

6. Moz On-Page Grader

  • Purchase Moz and access the ‘On-Page Grader’.
  • Enter the URL and target keyword of the page you want to analyze.
  • Moz provides a report detailing optimization scores for your page, including title tags, meta descriptions, keyword usage, and content quality. Iterate and improve until the scores are green.
  • Follow the recommendations provided by Moz to fix the identified issues.

7. PageSpeed Insights (Google)

  • Go to Google PageSpeed Insights and enter your page URL.
  • The tool will analyze your page speed and provide suggestions to improve load times, which is a critical on-page SEO factor.
  • Review recommendations such as image optimization, code minimization, and server response time.

Best Tools for On-Page SEO

There is a plethora of tools that can help you tackle on-page SEO. The list below summarises 6 of the best such tools available in the market. However, keep a note that no tool can strategize and handle SEO completely, and can only augment your insights.

  1. Yoast SEO – Yoast SEO is an on-page SEO plugin for WordPress sites. It helps you optimize your content in real time, giving you a traffic light system (red, amber, green) for various on-page elements. Reaching green means that the element is ready to go!

    It’s great for fine-tuning your title tags, meta descriptions, and content readability. Yoast also helps you set up canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content issues and allows you to create XML sitemaps easily.
  2. SEOquake – SEOquake is a holistic on-page SEO audit tool. This browser extension lets you analyze the on-page SEO factors of any webpage you’re visiting. It’s super handy for checking things like title tag length, meta description optimization, heading structure, and internal linking.

    As it checks only existing web pages, it is best suited for checking competitor’s pages and getting competitive insights from there.
  3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider – Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a crawler tool for health checkups for your website.  It crawls your site just like a search engine would, uncovering on-page issues like broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta tags.

    It’s particularly useful for larger sites where manually checking every page would be a nightmare. You can use it to audit your heading structure, find pages with low word counts, and even check for keyword cannibalization.

    Regular updation of content is necessary, and a tool like Screaming Frog SEO Spider makes it easy to be on top of everything.
  1. Ahrefs – While Ahrefs is known for its backlink analysis, it’s also a powerhouse for on-page SEO. Its Site Audit tool crawls your website and provides a health score, highlighting issues like slow-loading pages, broken links, and duplicate content.

    The Content Gap feature is great for finding keywords your competitors are ranking for but you’re not, helping you optimize your existing pages or create new content. It’s an all-in-one SEO tool that can also help you prepare your content strategy, build links, and so much more. 
  1. Surfer SEO – Surfer SEO is an AI-powered on-page optimization assistant. It analyzes top-ranking pages for your target keywords and provides data-driven suggestions for your content. Use it to optimize your content length, keyword density, headings, and even HTML structure.

    It’s particularly useful for ensuring your content matches user intent and covers topics comprehensively. It is one of the best on-page SEO tools that gives you real-time insights for improving your content. 
  1. SEMrush – SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO toolkit, and its on-page SEO features are top-notch. The On-Page SEO Checker provides personalized suggestions for improving your pages’ rankings. It analyzes your content’s readability, semantic structure (keyword distribution), and internal linking.

    Use it to optimize your title tags, meta descriptions, and heading structure. The SEO Content Template feature is great for creating SEO-friendly content briefs, ensuring your new pages are optimized from the get-go. Plus, its Site Audit tool helps you identify and fix technical on-page issues across your site.


This guide has covered all the important SEO elements needed to ensure on-page SEO. However, one should always keep in mind that SEO is a dynamic game that is always evolving. What works today might not work tomorrow, and will definitely not work the day after that. Hence, Website owners should constantly try to experiment with what is working for them and what isn’t. Covering up the fundamentals of SEO is the first step in creating a website that blooms with organic traffic. 

At Mohit’s SEO Training, we provide an exhaustive hands-on SEO course to make you job-ready. Rather than focusing on the theory, we ensure teaching you the practical applications of SEO.  Along with the Advanced SEO Training in Bangalore, we are an Organic SEO Consulting Company as well. If you are looking for a full proof SEO Strategy for your business, do contact us.


The primary objective of on-page SEO is to optimize individual web pages to rank higher in search engine results and attract more relevant and organic traffic. This involves improving various elements of a webpage, such as content, meta tags, headings, images, and internal linking, to ensure that it is readily ranked by search engines and provides valuable, relevant information to users.

On-page SEO is important because it directly influences how well a webpage performs in search engine results and how users interact with it. By optimizing elements like titles, meta descriptions, and content, you improve the page’s relevance to search queries, which can lead to higher rankings and increased visibility.

Perform better keyword research, create long-form content, use images with descriptive alt texts, and ensure smooth navigation and readability in your content. These are the basic tips for improving on-page SEO, and more thorough tips can be found in the blog above. 

EEAT in SEO stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It’s a key principle in Google’s search quality guidelines, emphasizing the importance of creating high-quality and detailed content that is genuine. By focusing on EEAT, websites aim to demonstrate credibility and reliability, potentially improving their search rankings and user trust.

A backlink in SEO means a link to your website on an external website. Backlinks serve as signals for trust and credibility for search engines, hence, an increase in high-quality and authoritative backlinks results in increased organic performance. 

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