chat gpt vs google bard ai

Chat GPT vs Google BARD AI : The Ultimate AI Chatbot Showdown

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Chat GPT is a super smart digital friend who knows a lot about almost everything! Think of it as your go-to buddy when you need a quick answer to a burning question or want to chat. Whether you’re looking for advice, a laugh, or some fun trivia, Chat GPT will find you an answer. But, one thing is for sure that you have to entertain Best SEO Link Practices Only to make sure we get the desired results.

In technical terms, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based conversational agent developed by OpenAI. Trained on massive amounts of data. It uses natural language processing algorithms to understand and respond to user queries and conversations.

But Chat GPT is not alone. There are numerous other chatbots coming around to disrupt its dominance. The most significant of them is Google Bard. This conversational AI chat service is being touted as an alternative to Chat GPT. But how good is it really? So who wins in this Chat GPT vs. Google Bard battle?

Let’s find out.

Chat GPT vs. Google Bard: The battle of the Bots

chat gpt and bard ai head to head

The battle of the bots has begun, and we are sitting with popcorn to enjoy the show! However, before we conclude who the winner is, let’s examine these differences.

1.  Knowledge base

Chat GPT is trained on a limited knowledge available till 2021. Moreover, it does not have access to the internet. So any information that Chat GPT offers is a bit old. Although Chat GPT is supported by Microsoft, we know it has limited information compared to Google.

On the contrary, Google Bard will draw all the information from the web. So it’s obvious that the information available from Google Bard will be the latest, up-to-date, and accurate.

If you are looking for a response with the most recent stats or need information on the latest events, Google Bard will be your choice. Moreover, there is a practically infinite amount of data available with Google. So here, Google Bard easily trump’s Chat GPT.

Winner: Google Bard

2.  Features

The core idea behind Chat GPT and Bard is the same. Both are designed to assist users in getting more reliable information quickly and easily.

But here, Chat GPT has a bit of an advantage. It’s designed in a way to be more creative and free-willed. So it can help users indulge in creative tasks, including writing a movie plot! Or a song or a poem, you name it, Chat GPT will do it.

On the contrary, Google Bard is more of a factual information provider. It can be used as an alternative to Google’s search engine to gather factual information. But it might not be that creative. It’s important to note here that Bard is still to be made available to the public, so we don’t know how it will respond to the queries. Meanwhile, Chat GPT looks better positioned here.

 Winner: Chat GPT

3.  Type of information offered

Chat GPT responds to specific prompts entered by users in the form of text. No matter what you ask Chat GPT, it will respond in written form. This might limit the usability of Chat GPT.

But the story is a bit different for Google Bard. Users can get a response through texts, images, and even videos.

So if you are looking for online assistance that offers you all forms of content, Google  Bard is the tool you need. This round goes to Google Bard without even a competition.

Winner: Google Bard

4.  Integration


GPT, an AI-based language model created by OpenAI, is currently integrated into three Microsoft products: Bing, Edge, and Teams. In addition, Microsoft is planning to release a new version of Bing that will include a sidebar where users can chat, compose content, and gain insights. This feature could prove valuable for summarizing large amounts of information into manageable chunks.

While OpenAI grants access to GPT-powered features to select companies, only Microsoft can access the source code outside of OpenAI. In contrast, Google’s Bard AI chatbot will soon be integrated into Google Search, allowing users to search using the AI chatbot instead of the traditional search bar, similar to Bing. Google has also integrated AI-based tools into Lens and Maps, which are not specifically related to Bard. In addition, Google has announced that third-party developers will be able to utilise Bard, so it will be intriguing to see how they integrate this technology into their products. 

But we all know Google is better and more flexible at offering easy integrations. So this round goes to Google Bard.

Winner: Google Bard

5.  Price and Costing

Both Chat GPT and Google Bard have free versions available. In addition, Chat GPT can be free as a research preview on OpenAI’s website. However, OpenAI has introduced a subscription model called Chat GPT Plus, which enables users to pay $20 for priority access and faster speeds. It’s important to note that Chat GPT Plus is only available to users approved by OpenAI. 

In contrast, Bard currently only has a free version, but only a select few “trusted testers” can gain access to this AI chatbot. While Google has already introduced some AI-based features to Maps and Lens, Bard remains a mystery. However, Google has stated that public access to Bard will be available soon.

Winner: A Tie

Who wins in this battle?

AI chatbots such as Chat GPT and Google Bard are currently in their early stages of development. While impressive in their abilities, they are still prone to errors, can produce content that may be considered unethical or even illegal, and are still exploring their potential use cases. Nevertheless, the technology behind these AI chatbots is incredible, and the GPT-powered version of Bing or Bard has the potential to revolutionize the way we search for information online. But as of now, there is no clear winner. Both of these chatbots are competing fiercely. We will have to wait a bit more for the final results.

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